My Hero Academia is a beloved anime series that is well known for its exciting and interesting cast of characters, and the unique powers that they wield, known as Quirks.
From elemental powers to mutant transformations, the world of My Hero Academia has a wide variety of Quirks that are all used to enable individuals on the path to becoming a hero or villain. Have you ever wondered which one of the many Quirks from the show you would be most likely to wield if you were a part of this superpowered universe? Well, now you can find out!
What are you waiting for? It’s time to find out your Quirk with our My Hero Academia quiz below. Plus Ultra!
Which Quirk did you end up with in our My Hero Academia quiz? Be sure to let us know in the comments down below. If you aren’t happy and want to try again, feel free to give it another go and see whether your result changes!
You can also try some of our other quizzes. These include which Demon Slayer Hashira you are and which One Piece crew you belong to. There are plenty of quizzes on our dedicated quizzes page, too.