It’s a hard life surviving in a world of prehistoric creatures and vicious dinosaurs, but Ark Survival Ascended has some cheats you can use to balance the odds in your favor. To that end, we’ve compiled every console command cheat available in the game right here!
Every Console Command in ARK Survival Ascended
The first thing you need to know is that, in Ark Survival Ascended, the cheats and console commands run the gamut, offering a wide range of functionalities. On the other hand, some impact your character and the creatures they maintain control over, while others let you turn the game into your own personal toybox.
Additionally, we’ve compiled the cheats list down below and provided descriptions of their effects. Take your time to explore all of the available options, because they can genuinely assist you.
ARK Survival Ascended Cheats List
Command | Description |
addexperience<number> | Adds XP to your character. |
Changesize<value> | Changes your size. |
Dotame | Tames targeted dinosaurs. |
Enemyinvisible | You become invisible. |
Fly | Enables flying. |
Forcetame | Ride a tamed dinosaur without a saddle. |
Forcetameaoe<radius> | Tames all dinosaurs within a radius. |
Ghost | Enable ghost mode. |
Giveallmeat | Spawns all meat types. |
| |
Givearmorset <tier><quality> | Spawns set armor tier and quality. |
Givebossitems | Spawns randomized boss item. |
Givecolors | Spawns all colors and dye types. |
Givecreativemode | Enables creative mode. |
Givecreativemodetotarget | Enables creative mode for targeted players. |
Givecreativemodetoplayer | Enables creative mode for other players via ID. |
Givedinoset <tier><quantity> | Spawns specific number of tamed dinos with saddles. |
banplayer | Bans players from joining a server. |
Giveengrams | Unlocks all recipes. |
Giveengramstekonly | Unlocks all Tek Engrams |
| |
Giveitemset<tier> | Spawns all set tier items. |
Giveitem<blueprintpath><quantity><quality><forceblueprint> | Spawns a specific item. |
saveworld | Saves every setting from the game. |
GIveitemnum<blueprintpath><quantity><quality><forceblueprint> | Spawns a specific item. |
Giveitemtoplayer<playerID><blueprintpath><quantity><quality><forceblueprint> | Spawns a specific item for targeted players. |
Giveitemnumtoplayer<playerID><blueprintpath><quantity><quality><forceblueprint> | Spawns a specific item for chosen players via ID. |
Giveresources | Spawns resources. |
Giveweaponset <tier><quality> | Unlocks all weapons from the chosen set. |
Gmbuff | Enables God Mode and 5K Points for Tek and XP. |
God | Enables God mode too. You become invisible, but vulnerable to drowning or starving. |
| |
Gmsummon<type><level> | Spawns a specific tamed creature. |
listplayers | Shows every player from a server and their ID. |
Infinitestats | Gives infinite food, water, oxygen, and stamina. |
Leavemealone | Enables God Mode. |
HurtMe (amount) | Inflicts you the amount of damage that you choose. |
cleartutorials | Tutorial messages don’t appear. |
setcheatplayertrue | Enables cheats for the targeted player. |
setcheatplayerfalse | Disables cheats for the targeted player. |
settimeofday <hh:mm> | Sets time you choose. |
Summon <type> | Summons a particular type of creature. |
| |
SetBabyAge (AgeNumber) | Sets the age of the targeted baby to the desired number. |
Summontamed<type> | Summons a type of tamed creature. |
Teleport | Enables teleportation. |
TeleportplayerIDtome <playerID> | Teleports you to a specific player. |
Teleportplayernametome <playername> | Teleports specific player to you. |
destroyall <type> | Summons one of the tamed creatures. |
Kill | Kills the current target. |
ToggleInfiniteAmmo | Gives infinite ammo. |
Tpcoords <lat><lon><altitude> | Teleports you to coordinates. |
walk | Disables flying. |
SetFacialHairPercent (length) | Sets your characters’ facial hair to the desired length. |
dorestartlevel | Restarts internal server. |
SetGlobalPause (IsPaused) | Pauses current server. |
How to Open Console Command in ASA
What’s more, console command cheats are available for every platform, including PC, PlayStation, and Xbox. However, to activate any of the cheats for ARK Survival Ascended mentioned above, you need to open the console command. Thus, follow these steps:
- First, launch ARK: Survival Ascended;
- Then choose Settings;
- Click Advanced;
- In addition, turn Console Access “ON”;
- Leave the Menu;
- Then start the game;
- Lastly, press these commands during the game to open the cheats console:
- PC: ~ (tilde)
- Xbox: R1 + L1 + Square + Triangle
- Playstation: RB + LB + X + Y
Finally, that’s a wrap on our guide covering all of the available cheats for Ark Survival Ascended. Follow us for more ASA hints and tips. Additionally, you can explore our other guides, news, and features down below.