The Deep and A-Train in The Boys.
Image Source: Amazon Studios

Top 10 Most Annoying Side Characters of All Time

The show would have been better without them!

Even our favorite TV shows and movies can irritate us at times, especially when one particular character appears. If you have ever wanted to give up on a show because one side character ruins the vibe then, we can relate! Read on to find our own top 10 list of the most annoying side characters of all time.

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10. The Deep (The Boys)

the deep the boys TV Amazon MGM Studios
Image Credit: Amazon MGM Studios

None of the characters in The Boys are decent people They are all highly flawed and at times downright diabolical, which is why we love the show. The issue here is not that The Deep is a crappy person, but that any time he appears on screen I almost sprain my eyes from rolling them so hard.

The Deep is a weasel and one of the most annoying characters in The Boys; a spineless and annoying manchild with an inferiority complex. He’s not smart and can be pretty pathetic at times, and to be perfectly honest I have no idea what he really adds to the plot. Maybe a bit of comic relief thanks to his fish infatuation? Whenever the plot is focused on him I feel bored, mixed with a good dollop of ick. Maybe that’s the point. Maybe he is supposed to be this irredeemable toxic frat boy who is too weak to be a decent villain and too odious to be a good guy.

9. Bella Swan (Twilight)

bella swan twilight Tmeple Hill Entertainment
Image Credit: Temple Hill Entertainment

Bella is supposed to be the female protagonist of the Twilight franchise, so how come she seems like a mere side character to Edward and the Cullens? No hate to Kristen Stewart – who did her best with what she had to work with as this character – but Bella is an absolute fool.

Bella is emotionally immature and lacks common sense or street smarts, which lands her in serious trouble multiple times. She could have been so much more but her character is so two-dimensional and lackluster that you can’t see her as anything but a prop for the other characters. Bella is also weirdly cold and apathetic with people, but then simultaneously obsessed with the Cullens. She doesn’t seem to have one heroic bone in her body and purposefully puts herself in harm’s way. Bella is so laser-focused on Edward that she lacks any depth or sense of self. It would have been better to just place a lamp in the movie, connecting it to Edward via a wire so it pathetically follows behind him.

8. Pierce Hawthorn (Community)

pierce hawthorn community universal television
Image Credit: Universal Television

Pierce is the worst. Of course that is part of the point with the character, but a viewer can only take so much casual racism and ‘haha they are old’ jokes before it wears thin. He quickly became one of the most annoying characters in the series.

Often a hateful character in a TV show or movie is there to have a redemption arc, but this doesn’t happen for Pierce. Whether this was planned when the show first began but later abandoned when Chevy Chase, who played Pierce, and writer Dan Harmon clashed, we just don’t know. What we ended up with was an increasingly annoying bully of a character who didn’t seem to grow much as a person. That is not to say he had zero growth, but any character development seemed to be abandoned by season 4. The most enjoyable moment we had regarding Pierce actually happened without him during the polygraph test in season 5.

7. Carrie Bradshaw (Sex And The City)

carrie bradshaw sex and the city HBO
Image Credit: HBO

You may be thinking ‘Wait, wasn’t Carrie the main character?’ but you would be mistaken. That was the beautiful and talented New York City. Growing up means realizing Carrie was the villainous side character all along.

Carrie is a selfish and self-obsessed person who is as terrible with money as she is with men. Her friends deserved better and I am amazed they stuck with her for so long. Carrie was always so bothered when people didn’t like her (tracking down the woman whose marriage she ruined was a real low) but she also didn’t even try and be a better person.

The only one of her friends who would challenge her was Miranda, but any worries fell on deaf ears. Carrie would abandon her friends for a man without a second thought, talk incessantly about herself and her own problems, and always try to bring the conversation around to herself. Whenever she is in any kind of trouble – with men, money, or literally anything – it trumps anything anyone else has going on.

6. Scrappy Doo (Scooby-Doo)

scrappy doo warner bros
Image Credit: Warner Bros Television

Scrappy Doo was the worst thing to happen to the Scooby-Doo cartoon. It’s no wonder he didn’t make it into the modern Scooby ‘toons.

Scrappy was introduced to the Scooby Doo gang in 1979 as the nephew of the lovable hound Scoobs. In what was at the time a bid to save the show’s sinking ratings, Scrappy in fact became the show’s most disliked character. His incessant ‘little kid energy’ and irritating voice were highly unlikeable and many kids switched off when he appeared. Scrappy was disliked so much that he was dropped from the most recent Scooby-Doo cartoon series. In a surprise twist, the Great Dane puppy turned out to be the villain in the 2002 live-action movie. Talk about meta!

5. Susan (Desperate Housewives)

susan desperate housewives ABC
Image Credit: ABC

Susan was supposed to bring the ‘clumsy yet charming’ character trope to Desperate Housewives, but soon became a supremely annoying character. Susan wasn’t too annoying when she was first introduced. She was a bit kooky in an endearing way, which made her seem more down-to-earth than other characters. It soon became clear that the showrunners for Desperate Housewives were pushing Susan on the audience a bit too hard, which was pretty off-putting.

The other women were given consequences for their bad decisions and actions, but Susan never faced any repercussions for her manipulation and nastiness. Other than being annoyingly awful, Susan’s parentification of her kid Julie was the most irritating. More than once, Julie was treated like the responsible adult when Susan’s immaturity surfaced. Susan was selfish and childish, and to be honest her ‘adorkable’ act became tiresome very quickly.

4. Mary Winchester (Supernatural)

Mary Winchester Supernatural
Image Credit: Warner Bros. Television

If the concept of ‘insufferable’ was a human being, it would look and act like Mary Winchester. Her introduction to the Supernatural series could have been great, but it ended up strange and poorly written. To give her her dues, Mary Winchester was dead and then was brought back to life decades later. This is going to have a negative effect on a person, right? She is only human, after all. With that in mind, we could say that it is understandable that she would act a bit weird to start with.

It may take her time to warm up to these grown men who want to call her mom. But how come she was consistently so cold and unfeeling? Even after taking time to reflect on the trauma she endured, she still couldn’t face the fact the brothers, particularly Sam, needed to get to know their mom too. She kept making bad decisions, which put Dean and Sam in danger, making no sense. Her character was poorly written and Mary Winchester quickly became unlikeable and annoying.

3. Negan (The Walking Dead)

negan walking dead AMC
Image Credit: AMC

The king of the dramatic lean-back and extended monologue, Negan ruined The Walking Dead for many viewers. As much as I adore Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Negan became unwatchable and repetitive as a character.

At first, it felt exciting to have a hot bad guy giving us conflicting feelings. But after numerous lengthy monologues where Negan takes five minutes to say one simple thing, we were over it. He quickly went from an intimidating murderer to a pompous windbag. Each episode became repetitive and predictable. Oh, is Negan being horrible to someone and blustering on for no reason again? What a surprise. He could have been better received, perhaps, without the tomfoolery and lengthy scenes full of chatter and faux-machismo. The act of ‘aggressive court jester in a leather jacket’ was just irritating.

2. Leonard (The Big Bang Theory)

leonard big bang theory warner bros tv
Image Credit: Warner Bros. Television

Leonard may be considered one of the main characters in The Big Bang Theory, but he needs a demotion. Poor Penny deserved better than him. And let’s be honest, he is just the side character to Sheldon, really…

Leonard is an annoying and whiny character with few redeemable features. Any time the plot centers on him I want to switch off. From his smug, self-satisfied face whenever he thinks he is right or has one up on Sheldon, to his creepy and whiny treatment of Penny, Leonard is the absolute worst. He has a real mean spirit to him. too. When combined with his superiority complex, it creates a highly unlikeable person. The funny thing is that as well as having so many irredeemable characteristics, Leonard is also just so boring. No wonder his mother didn’t like him.

1. Emily (Friends)

emily friends warner bros tv
Image Credit: Warner Bros. Television

Poor Emily. She never stood a chance. She wasn’t a bad person, she wasn’t even the worst person to ever be in Friends (cough, Ross, cough), but she was one of the most annoying characters!

Any normal human would be highly suspicious when their partner says another person’s name during their wedding vows, right? Particularly if there had been something between them previously. The thing I disliked most about Emily, however, was the fact she didn’t walk out of that church right there and then. She had no intention of forgiving Ross, so set herself up for a tough time post-wedding. It seemed like she got very carried away by the romantic adventure of it all and ended up way over her head. Unfortunately, there was zero chemistry between the two actors, which created a strange atmosphere when Emily was interacting with Ross. The whole storyline was annoying, to be perfectly honest.

Those are our picks of the 10 most annoying side characters of all time! For more entertaining lists like this, check out the 18 biggest games of all time and our ranking of the Harry Potter games.

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Rowan Jones
Rowan is a writer from Devon, U.K with a BA in Education Studies. The first video game Rowan fell in love with was Treasure Island Dizzy on the ZX Spectrum but has since progressed to bigger and better titles. She has been writing game guides for mobile and console since 2020 within Gamurs Group. Rowan has a love/hate relationship with Dead By Daylight and a completely healthy obsession with Fortnite.